Spring 2024



Welcome back, I hope everyone has had a lovely break and have welcomed in the new year with loved ones. This half term we will be looking forward to exploring a range of subjects. Year four will be swimming this half term, we are lucky enough to be taking part in Outreach again with Mr Taylor and performing at Carlisle Cathederal. We will be exploring the Windrush generation in History, building on our multiplcation and division skills in Maths and using the fantastic 'Boy at the back of the class' by Onjali. Q. Rauf as our English text. In Computing we will be looking at creating podcasts and rocks in Year four Science. Keep checking back to see what we are getting up to!

This week we have been looking at create our own artwork in a collage style. We have been creating a collage that expresses ourselves using photos and images symbolic to things that are important to us. 

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We have completed a small Art project this week studying Chila Kumari Singh Burman, resulting in experiementing with a range of techniques and finally using oragami to create an icecream sculpture of our own. We all had great fun with this project. 

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We have been building on our hockey skills in PE, practising our manoeuvring, dribbling and passing skills. We have had a great time honing our skills. 

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Year four this week have been thinking about the structure of solids, liquids and gasses. We talked about the structure of particles and how they change depending on the state of matter. We acted out how the particles move in each of the states before examining this more closely.

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This week we have started to explore positive mental health in our RSE lesson, we explored how emotions are expressed, how we see some clues physically and suggest ways to help cope with negative emotions when we feel a little overwhelmed. We acted out how these emotions can be seen when given a scenario and thought of ways to help people in those situations. Year four/ five had some fantastic ideas for positive mental health. 

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This week in Science, year four having been looking at different types of rocks. They were taking a close look at how Geologists can tell the difference by looking at the properties and features of different types. We explored how we can tell the difference between igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rock. 

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In Science this week we have been looking at the different layers of soil and what we can learn from each layer. We were lucky enough to make some edible soil of our own. 

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Welcome back after a lovely half term, I hope you are all well rested and ready to be back for another exciting half term! This half term in English we will be exploring the fantastic 'Holes' by Louis Sachar. We will be dipping back in to fractions and fractions as decimals in Math. In Science Y4 will be looking at forces whilst Y5 create circuits in our unit electricity. Religious education will be focussed around Easter and we have another exciting workshop with NISCU based around the celebration of Easter. Keep checking back to see more of our learning in action. 

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This week in Science, Year five have been learning about the components which make up a circuit. They have been working to create a variety of circuits and discuss what is needed when we add more components. How the circuit is effected and what is needed to make it work.