Autumn 2024

Welcome back to year 3/4! We hope that you have all had a refreshing summer and are back and ready to learn.


In the first week back year 3/4 have been getting to know each other and settling into our new class dynamic and routines. Together, we decided to come up with a set of class rules that we would all adhere to in our classroom to ensure a happy and positive learning environment. We decided to stay away from what we shouldn't do and focus on what we all should be doing.



This week, we have started looking at our book 'A Midsummer Night's dream' by William Shakespeare. The children were introduced to the characters and have started learning about what people believed at the time this was written. I hope our class doesn't get a case of Misummer madness! In maths, we have been looking at place value. The children have been representing numbers all the way up to 10,000! We also stared learning about the Ancient Maya civilisation. The chilren went on the hunt for facts about why the Maya people settled in the rainforst and some of the advantages and disadvatages of this.

We have been singing our hearts out this week with the introduction of our music for this half term, Mama Mia by Abba. The children listened to Abba songs and had a little boogie. We even learned to play our recorders with this. In maths, we have been working with number lines and even doing some tricky estimation. In PE we have been learning how to dribble and kick the ball and our ball control skills to play football.


This week we decided to try an Ancient Maya delicacy and learned all about the importance of cacao. The Maya believed that cacao was a gift from the Gods and they would make a delicious chocolate drink using cacao, honey, water and chilli. In English, we took a trip through an enchanted forest and we have been using lovely vocabulary to describe this.


We shared our harvest cheer this week when we went to the Rockcliffe centre to sing for the pensioners coffee morning. They loved our beautiful singing and said that we make their day brighter. We also had a visitor into our class. Les, our School's IT technician came in to talk about our school network and all the componenets and we went on a scavanger hunt to find these.




This week we have been taking part in RE week as a school. We are linked with Blackford and Houghton School to look at all the 'I am' statements Jesus said in the bible. Yr 3/4 were looking at I am the gate in more depth. We played a game where we were shepherds and had to keep our sheep safe and we created amazing gate art out of water colours. On Tuesday, Rachel from NISCU came in and talked all about how Jesus is the bread of life and we all made some very tasty Jesus inspired bread.