Year 6 2024 - 2025

Mrs Jones

Welcome to Year 6's class page

We are taught by Mrs Jones and Miss Bell. In addition, we are supported by Mrs Thomspson and Mrs Forster.

At the bottom of this page, there is a long term curriculum overview. If you click the link, it summarises the learning we hope to achieve over the course of the year,.

Additionally, there are tabs for each term at the top of the page. If you click on these, there should be regular updates about what we have been learning in class.


SATS dates 2025

SATS will take place from Monday 12th May 2025 and Thursday 15th May 2025. It is wise to avoid holidays within term time on the run up to the SATS as your child may miss areas of key learning. 


Homework expectations


It is our expectation that children will read every night. Ideally, this will be aloud to an adult; I would be grateful if you could initial the homeowrk diaries each time your child has read. If your child has not read, we will endeavour to find opportunities within the school day for your child to read to an adult.

Over the next few weeks, I will be checking whether the children's current book band is appropriate therefore there may be some movement either up or down based on how well your child coped (often therre is some fluctuation over the summer holidays). Since some children do not like to read school books every night, I would suggest 3 nights a week should be a book-banded school book and the other days could be any other books that they like to read for pleasure. The library bus comes several times a year which allows them to choose some books that may suit their interests well.


Within the first few weeks of term, children should receive some weekly Maths homework to help them revisit past learning. In addition, some children may get some targeted homework to help them with any areas of arithemtic that they may still find tricky. In addition, if there are some times tables that your child is not confident with, I will share these with you so you can practise these at home. Time is not taught explicitly in Year 6 so if your child cannot still read an analogue clock, it would be fantastic if you could work on this in preparation for secondary school. 


After the half term, the children will get spelling homework most weeks. Ideally, children learn these spellings better if they pracise these little and often rather than just the night before a test. You will also receive a copy of the common exception words that your child still needs to become confident using. 


As the SATS approach, homework expectations may increase as we prepare ourselves for testing and the homeowrk demands of secondary school. 


Outdoor Learning/PE

This half term (and slightly into the next), we have the oppportunity to attend Forest School. Your children will need to be wrapped up and will also need a packed lunch for these days.


Thursday 19th September


Thursday 3rd Octoober

Thursday 10th October

Thursday 17th October 


Thursday 7th November


FRom the week commencing 11th October, PE will be taught on Friday afternoons. Please ensure long hair is tied back and earrings must not be worn for the sessions. Swimming will be taught later in the school year.