Autumn 2024

Autumn 2024

Welcome back everyone. I am very excited for a new year with a whole new class. It will be a busy year but I feel certain we are going to have lots of fun and make lots of progress. 

Autumn 1

In History, we are learning about the census, its purpose and its reliability as a source of primary evidence. The Archives will be coming in later in the term and we will be using a range of evidence such as maps, photos, census returns and documents to build a picture of the past. Our book Street Child links well to this period of history too. Using the book, we will work on our strategies for comprehension as well as using it as inspiration for writing diary recounts and as a way of practising the skill of punctuating dialogue accurately. Like last year, Year 6 have the opportunity to attend Forest Schhol. Here they will learn skills like starting campfires, building dens etc as well as building on their problem-solving and team-building skills. 

Week 1

Your children have been a credit to you all this week; they have worked hard across the board and have proven themselves to be good role models to the younger children. Well done, all. Some children have volunteered themselves as play leaders who are able to support the younger children when using the new play equipment. 

In History, we have looked at a census return for one family and used this to make inferences and to pose questions. We also collected some data about on our friends for a school census. Wediscussed which pieces of information could be importnat sources of information for the government. 

In Computing, we have also been considering more modern means of data collection. We have began to start using spreadsheets to collate statistics and other data. As the weeks advance, we will learn more about how to use formulas and other tools on Excel effectively. 

Week 2

This week in RE we have been looking at life as a journey, the children have produced some fantastic timelines of their own lives so far and could recall many events that were important to them. Year six had a fantastic discussion about what made an event important/significant and how we usually record those moments. 

In Art we have begun to look installation art and how the genre is defined. We exlpored a range of pieces discussing how they were similar and different to each other, sharing ideas about what the message of the Artist may be. 

Week 3

This week in RE we have been exploring the values we think are important to take with us on our journey through life, we thought about the things that were important to us and why we value them so much. We also discussed the difference between things that we need and things that we want. Year six  went on to make their own fantastic 3D suitcases with some of those needs/wants inside. I'm sure some of you (who have their faces on google) will be flattered to know you made the cut! 

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In Art we have been looking at Artist Cia Guo Qiang, who uses gunpowder and explosives in his installation pieces to create a dramatic effect. This week we took our learning outside to explore creating explosive artwork using a range of materials and experimenting with the effects we could create with each. 

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Week 4

In Art this week we have created our own showbox installation pieces and they look pretty amazing! Our minature Art enthusiasts were very impressed with our explosive pieces inspired by Cia Guo Qiang!


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