Finance (inc. PPG, SP and RP Funding)
Each year the school has a budget in excess of £500,000. This is made up of ring fenced grants, allocations for special needs, allocations for pupil premium children, an allocation for universal infant free school meals and many more besides.
A sub-committee of the Governing Board meets regularly to audit spend and discuss strategy. This committee has delegated powers from the Governing Board to make decisions on staffing, pay and other related issues.
The Recovery Premium grant is part of the government package of funding to support pupils whose education has been impacted by Coronavirus (Covid 19). It is focused on pupil premium eligible pupils, because of the additional impact of the pandemic on these students.
Financial benchmarking rules require that we publish how many staff earn over £100,000 per year.
At Rockcliffe CE School no staff member earns more than £100,000 per year.
All schools spending can be viewed by accessing the schools financial benchmarking serice. To do this go to and to read Rockcliffe School's financial data you should go to