Staffing 2024-25
The following staff can always be contacted for help and support:
Senior Leadership
Mrs M Jamieson– Headteacher and DSL
Mrs R Jones- Assistant Headteacher, Deputy DSL and SENDco
Miss L Hewetson- Deputy DSL
SEND and Safeguarding
Mrs Jones is the school SEN(D)Co. She can be contacted with SEND queries at
Mrs Jamieson is the first point of contact for any Safeguarding and Child Protection concerns or queries.
Teaching Staff
Mrs H Pieroni Nursery/Reception/Y1
Miss L Hewetson Year 1/2
Miss H Scotson Year 3/4
Mrs E Batey and Mrs L Birch Year 4/5
Mrs R Jones Year 6
Miss Bell PPA cover
Teaching Assistants
Mrs S McVittie
Mrs L Parker
Mrs P Thompson
Mrs D Ward
Ms C Forster
Mrs D Brown
Mrs R Cannon
Miss H Miles
Mrs S Threlkeld
Mrs B Graham
Miss L Dale (supply)
Midday Supervisors
Mrs L Robertson
Mrs V Jameson
Mrs G Keal
Mrs M Gregory
Kitchen Team
Mrs M Brannan
Mrs M Owen