Pupil/Service Premium
In the 2024-25 financial year schools will receive:
- pupil premium funding of £1480 per pupil in reception classes to year 6 if they are eligible for Free School Meals.
- pupil premium funding of £1050 per pupil in reception classes to year 6 if they previously have been eligible for Free School Meals at any point in the past six years (Ever 6).
- pupil premium funding of £2570 per pupil who has left the care of the Local Authority because of one of the following:
- adoption
- special guardianship order
- a child arrangements order
- a residence order
- pupil premium funding of £2570 for any child who is still in the care of the Local Authority will be allocated to the Virtual School Head, who will liaise with the school to ensure it is spent in the best way.
- in addition a service premium of £340 is paid for each pupil who has had a parent serving in the regular armed forces within the last six years.
Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding. The impact of the pupil premium is measured by looking at the progress made termly by individual children. Our pupil premium strategy is therefore reviewed regularly. Our next formal review is due in Autumn 2025.