Our Rockcliffe CE Primary School Curriculum Offer
We use the National Curriculum to create a Rockcliffe CE Primary School curriculum that is ambitious, broad and balanced and through which children have the opportunity to learn and flourish in a happy and safe environment.
The local community is a vitally important element of the children’s historical, cultural and geographical learning. However, being situated in a traditional Cumbrian rural community, opportunities for children to gain knowledge and experience from beyond our local horizons are crucial. We aim to enhance our curriculum with a wide range of experiences and activities outside the classroom and the involvement of professionals, experts, and volunteers from within our community and beyond. We arrange educational visits to provide experiences to enhance learning and bring the wider world closer.
Balance is maintained through organisation of time and resources and through the development of substantive and disciplinary knowledge within each subject.
Breadth is achieved by providing motivating and relevant experiences in Religious Education, Reading, Writing, Speaking and Drama, Maths, Science, Computing, History, Geography, Design and Technology, Art, Music, Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (incorporating statutory Relationships Education), Languages (French is taught from Year 1 to Year 6) and Physical Education including sports, games and outdoor activities.
Each day children are taught the core skills of English (sometimes called Literacy) and Mathematics.
You can find out what we are teaching this year by looking through the attached web pages for Mathematics, English, Reading, Phonics and the Foundation Subjects.
On each of the class pages you will find what is being taught at present. These termly or half termly overviews ensure that parents know what is being taught to their children in different classes across the school.
We aim to provide all children with equal access and opportunity. Wherever possible we seek to inform and involve parents with regard to their children’s education at school.