School Uniform
School Uniform
Our uniform is smart, practical but inexpensive.
Our school uniform consists of a white polo shirt (either with or without the school logo) and red sweatshirt with the Rockcliffe School logo on the breast. Red cardigans can also be worn. Children can wear grey or black school trousers, skirt, shorts or pinafore dress. Tights can be black, grey or red. Socks should be grey or black.
Red checked summer dresses can also be worn with either white ankle or knee length socks.
Shoes or boots must be plain, black and sensible. We only allow plain black trainers (plain black upper and black sole) with no markings or trademarks.
High heels are not allowed as the children will play outside in their shoes and these are unsuitable.
School uniform can be purchased from BE Uniform on West Tower Street in Carlisle.
PE Kit
The school’s P.E. kit consists of a plain white T-shirt, black shorts and a pair of plimsolls/trainers for indoor PE. Key Stage Two children should also bring a red sweatshirt (with or without the school logo), jogging bottoms and trainers for PE outside on the MUGA and on the field. (Please note that children will not be allowed to undertake PE in clothing normally worn inside school.)
Sweatshirts, PE “hoodies” (KS2 only) and polo shirts can be ordered from the school office along with optional items (reversible jacket and/or bookbags.)
As part of our Health and Safety Policy, jewellery is not allowed in school. Stud earrings may be worn but must be removed for PE. Staff are not allowed to remove earrings so they are best left at home on PE days.