Summer 2022

Welcome back all. I hope you have had a lovely Easter holidays.

Summer 1 - Greek Democracy

This term, we are learning about Greek democracy and will be relating it to our own experiences of democracy and citizenship within modern-day Britain.

Please click the links attached to access this half-term's knowledge organisers. Also attached is a topic web that gives an overview of the curriculum that we expect to teach this half term. 

The Highwayman

After working all last term on this poem, we wrote our own versions of this narrative poem as a story. We have displayed some of the writing in the hall as our displayboard theme this term is poetry. 

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Power and influence within our families

In RSE, we have discussed how all families have their similarities and differences and how that is what makes us all special. We created illustrations to show our friends and to prompt discussions. Following on from that, we discussed the concepts of power and influence and how that relates to our families. Understanding these two concepts will help us as we move on in our topic of Greek democracy. 

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Esther Mahlangu

Already this term, we have researched the life and art of Esther Mahlangu. In our research, we picked up on the key features and colours used within her pieces. This week, we are planning some designs so that we can create a piece of fabric that has been decorated using wax batik techniques and dyes. 

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Queen Elizabeth II's Jubilee

Whilst Year 6 have been sitting their SATs, Year 5 have been researching the Queen (we have learnt some very strange facts!). Furthrmore, we have created art work, factfiles etc that could be used on the huge timeline that is displayed in school. This week, we are also going to use atlases to discover which countries have the Queen as their Head of State. I think some of the children may be surprised - I even learnt about a place called Tuvalu that I had never even heard of before. 

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SATS are over!!

On Friday, we had a little party in class to celebrate the end of the SATS. Although we were really celebrating the hard work of all those lovely Year Sixes (even the camera-shy ones), we let Year 5 come along because they have had to be very patient over the last few weeks while we prepared for those pesky tests! Thank you to all the parents for their contributions of food and support from home. Now we need to get our heads down and keep working on our writing!

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Summer 2 - Our local area - fieldwork and digital mapping

Welcome back all. Just one more half term to go! This half term, we are focusing more on our local area. We will use fieldwork and digital mapping to learn more about the area we live in and how it has changed over time.


This week in Maths, we have been learning about identifying angles and using our knowledge of angles in a turn to solve problems. Next week, we are progressing to measuring and drawing angles. Freddie in Year 6 is our 'angle expert extraordinaire' and so he (and his two trusty sidekicks) have worked hard to create a Maths displayboard for the hall; they needed to create a pie chart of the children's choice for an end of year film. They collected all the data, converted it to measurements and then drew this fantastic pie chart. Well done, boys!

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Literature festival - Puppet Making with Upfront Theatre

This week, our school (along with 10 other schools in Carlisle) have been taking part in a Literature festivals. On Tuesday, KS2 took part in a puppet making workshop. We really enjoyed making out puppets using milk bottles, t-shirts etc. 

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Comic-making workshop

Today, we created our own cartoons with guidance from the crazy cartoonist James Parsons. We talked about how, just like a story, cartoons have characters, settings, problems and resolution. Here is my favourite piece of art inspired from the day. 

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Year 6 transition

Year 6 have been very busy preparing for their transition to secondary school. Last week, we had a Teams meeting with the Head of Year 7 and saw some familiar old faces too. We got the opportunity to ask some questions that had been playing on our minds and learnt more about how things work at Trinity School. At home, Year 6 arre working on the All About Me books in preparation for transition day on 4th July.

On Monday we had a visit from NISCU, who shared an assembly about Daniel and the choices he needed to make. We compared it to the choices and feelings we might have about transition. NISCU left us a handy booklet full of tips and ideas to help Year 6 with their move. 


On Friday, we went around the labyrinth at Carlisle Cathedral and took part in the Leavers' Service with lots of other Church of England schools from across Cumbria. 

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